Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I've gone around and around in my head about what my blog should be only.. opinions. and I am just not one of 'those' people. I am not driven by one thing. I am driven by many, I have opinions, I love photography..and I can sometimes be funny..though usually only in the awkwards ha ha sense.

So this will be largely an opinion post. And since no one actually reads my blog I should be good with the contrary comments.

I LOVE Christmas! shoot me! I know. I am awful...I lie to my kids about SANTA..can you believe it? I LIE!

I am technically christian by birth, education, and general upbringing. BUT I don't celebrate for those reasons. To me Christmas is about family, love, giving, and that warm fuzzy feeling in your tummy while watching the Grinches heart grow.
I love it. I start celebrating the SEASON (not the day) soon after hallowe'en. Again..shoot me. I am one of *those*.

The pumpkins go in the trash, and the tree comes out. Even now with 20 sleeps until Christmas I am lamenting the day I take my tree down. For me that is December 25th after bedtime. My son Anthony's birthday is on the 28th, and he wasn't born with a tree in the house ( yes, I home birth) and he will never share his birthday with a tree.

I have wonderful memories of Christmas time (except the one year I was horribly sick with a flu...and at my dads). Not because of the presents I received  but because of the family traditions...Watching the weather network to see Santa's progress, leaving out beer and cookies for Santa  and my papa calling us down youngest to oldest to see our presents. Truth be told I was raised as a consumerist when it comes to Christmas  and yet that is NOT why I like it. Seeing my mothers excitement at our excitement made Christmas worth the experience to me.
I hope to raise my children to be the same. Have the same values as me, and feel the warm fuzzies I do.

As the Grinch says

   Maybe Christmas, perhaps... means a little bit more! "

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