A clean house leads to mental clarity. At least that is what it has ALWAYS felt like for me. A clear space a clear mind. Now that being said I am a world renowned slob. No really...ask my mom, my college/university roommates ..and my husband pre kids. I however, always felt so much better overall when I was sitting in a clean room.
Now as a mom I am always cleaning..literally. no exaggeration. There is always some mess to be tidied. Mentally I am a huge cluster F***. A million to do's running through my head (AT ALL TIMES) as a try to complete all tasks, and parent my children; while being a wife, and friend. It really does get to the point where you cry, bawl, and tantrum about spilled milk. It all feels so insurmountable and darn right overwhelming.
I don't think I know of a single mother out there who doesn't feel like this. Regardless of how clean and 'tidy' their homes are.
If I am being perfectly honest, I do not buy the older generations claims to perfect homes. In my opinoin as a fairly seasoned mother (with toddlers) you can not have both a perfect household and happy well cared for children. If you do, congratulations..I dont know how you do it. Literally I dont. If I am cleaning I am doing it with toddlers around my ankles in tears. If I am not cleaning and playing with them instead, the crumbs and destruction pile up around me. It only takes an hour.
I will never judge another woman on her ability to keep a clean house. ever. again. never. literally. Aside from poop smeared all over the wall and a solid population of rats and cockroaches I will not judge.
If the kids are happy, the house is live able, then no judgement needs to be passed. Instead of judging others we mothers need to band together and take each others kids. Let the moms clean and organize their house then send the
Now I look for the cleanest room in the house and just go to sit and enjoy the mental clarity. Even if that means I sit in my laundry room...or closet
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